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Second Challenge: Digital Footprints

300 XP

Warriors know the importance of leaving a good impression, so they pay close attention to their digital footprint. Read to find out how to keep your digital footprint positive and safe.



1. Watch the videos here.


2. Open the iCardSort app and create a new deck by selecting the Decks menu in the top left, then the + in that menu.  Title the deck, "My Digital Footprint."

3. Create a card for all of the different accounts that make up your personal digital footprint.  You should list all of the places you go online, especially those for which you have a username and password.  Use the sample below as a guide, but be sure to use YOUR OWN INFORMATION to complete the deck, not just the cards you see in the image. 

4. Now, organize your cards into categories.  This will help you figure out where your digital footprint is largest, and that is the area on which you should focus your safety efforts.  Use the example below for some ideas.  Your categories may be different - be creative!

Get clearance from High Council to move on to the next stage by sending a screenshot of your deck and explaining how you organized it and why.

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